Next Market Event

Posted by Maryline Sunarho on

Next Market Event

Hey all,

It seems that we are going to do more market events in Spring and Summer seasons. Yesterday we had an awesome opportunity to set up our first ever stall in St Gabriel school. Big thank you to the whole team at St Gabe who have been so supportive to let us showcase our products. And the response of the market have been fantastic that it encourages us to do it more in the future.

So, for our next event, it will be in the Ponds School, on Saturday 18th of Nov, 3-7pm. Come by if you are around that area, bring your friends and families. Who knows, you might see something you like and tick off more of those Christmas gift list :-)

What's more...we would have SPECIAL OFFERS that are not available through the website. So, if you love discounts like I do, this event is worth checking out :-)

See you there!

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